Top 10 Tips For Healthy Teeth In Your Family

TOP 10 TIPS FOR HEALTHY TEETH IN YOUR FAMILY Maintaining healthy teeth and gums in your family is very important! Oral disease can cause pain, discomfort, affect your ability to eat and your self-confidence. Oral problems can also be complex and expensive to treat. There is also evidence to show an unhealthy mouth can interact…

Dental Tips for Babies and Kids

DENTAL TIPS FOR BABIES AND KIDS It is never too early to teach your kids how to maintain good oral hygiene. Habits that are developed in children when they are young tends to stick with them throughout life. Here are some tips to help you look after your child’s teeth. WHEN SHOULD I START BRINGING…

How Do I Get White Teeth?

HOW DO I GET WHITE TEETH? Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that can be performed to transform stained or discoloured teeth into a whiter brighter smile. It is a popular simple way to refresh the appearance of your smile. There are two main types of whitening treatment that we can offer: in-chair whitening…

Is a Root Canal Painful?

For some people, when the dentist says “You need a root canal treatment”, this is met with dread and anxiety. There is often a strong association with root canal treatment and pain. However, root canal treatment is actually performed to relieve pain. When is a root canal treatment necessary? The core of every tooth contains…



Should I rinse my mouth after I brush my teeth? Do you rinse out your mouth straight after brushing your teeth? If so, this might not be the right thing to do. Toothpaste contains an ingredient called fluoride, which has been shown to strengthen the minerals in your teeth and make them less likely to…

Should I Rinse my Mouth After I Brush my Teeth?

Do you rinse out your mouth straight after brushing your teeth? If so, this might not be the right thing to do. Toothpaste contains an ingredient called fluoride, which has been shown to strengthen the minerals in your teeth and make them less likely to develop cavities (holes). Fluoride can also help to reverse early…